Tuesday 1 February 2022

"Tiger" Pineapple Tart

Gong Xi Fa Chai, Kiong Hee Huat Chai, Kong Hei Fatt Choy , Selamat Tahun Baru China, 新年快乐 !!! 

This is the first day of the lunar year of the Water Tiger. A Water Tiger year occurs every 60 year. The Tiger is known as the king of all beasts in China. The zodiac  sign Tiger is a symbol of strength, exorcising evils  and braveness.

Chinese New Year cookies are on another level these days; instead of simple tasting good, many of them are made to look aesthetically-pleasing, and each year brings new surprises with the rotation of the zodiac animals. I decided to try and make the Tiger design pineapple tart after browsing the web looking for ideas. And here you are I am presenting you a tiger-rific twist!

The Tiger Pineapple Tarts are basically your regular enclosed pineapple tart  ball but additional embellishments like ears and whiskers to create adorable feline faces. Though the designs might look simple, they are really time consuming!! Not forgetting the care required to create each tart ball! 

Below is the link for the traditional pineapple tart recipe.

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