Sunday 19 October 2008

Fried Udon

You can never have enough of noodles. There are many ways to fry noodles and all depends on your taste and style. I use chicken & vegetables for this recipes. You can replace the chicken with seafood if you wish.
  • 2 packets of udon ( I used the Amoy brand)
  • 1 chopped garlic
  • 3 cups of cabbage, cut into bit pieces ( can add more if you like)
  • 1/2 cup of carrots, sliced and cut into matchstick lenghts
  • 3 spring onions, sliced slightly angle
  • 100g of chicken breast, thinly sliced
  • 2 eggs
For the sauce: Mix well all the sauces in the bowl
  • 1/3 cup of soy sauce
  • 5 tbsp teriyaki sauce
  • 5 tbsp mirin
  • 3 tbsp sake ( optional)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
Boil a pot of water in and put in the udon. Let the udon in the water for about 3 minutes & drained. Set aside.
Put 3 tbsp cooking oil in a wok & heat the oil. Then add in the chopped garlic. Fry untill fragrant and add in the chicken. Fry till the chicken is cooked. Then add in the cabbage. Mix well & continue frying until the cabbage is soft. Add the udon and the sauce. Stir fry until the sauce has dried up. Then add in the carrots & mix well for another 3 minutes.
Put the noodles at the side of the wok. Break the eggs in the wok and scramble it up. Then push the noodles to cover the egg. Let the eggs cook for anothe minutes. Stir the noodles & mix well with the eggs. Put in the spring onions & dish out to serve.

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