Friday, 19 May 2023

Sourdough Roti/Phulka

This is a simple traditional Indian flat bread with a touch of sourdough starter. Amazingly it is only made with only 4 ingredients!!
What is the difference between chapati and phulka? Chapati is made on a tawa only and roasted with oil or ghee. Whereas phulka are partially cooked on the tawa and pater puffed on direct flame. Also chapati is usually larger in size than a phulka. 

  • 260g whole wheat flour, extra for rolling
  • 50g sourdough starter
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¾ cup water

In a bowl add the whole wheat flour, salt, sourdough starter and water. Combine well to form a dough.

Set aside for 15-20 minutes.

Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces and roll them into round ball. Roll the dough into the extra flour that you keep aside for rolling.

Using a roller, spread the dough into 6 inch thin round. Make sure to spread thin, with a thickness of a credit card or ½ inch. Also dust off the extra flour, so that you will not see any burnt flour in the griddle.

Once you spread half of the dough, heat a griddle or tawa. When you sprinkle water, it will sizzle, that is the sign that your gridle is ready.

Carefully place the spread disc and cook for 30 seconds or until you have blister or bubbles on the top, flip and cook the other side too for another 1-2 minutes or until you see brown spots.

Place directly into the flame, phulka will puffed up.

Remove from the fire and transfer to a tortilla container (if you have one). Close the lid immediately. This will make steam to trap inside and make a soft phulka.

Serve with phulka with side dishes. You can store the sourdough phulka at room temperature for one day and reheat in microwave for 15 seconds before serving.

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